Thursday, February 1, 2018


Good day everyone! My topic today is about love in its many forms but for this post specifically it is about love from a distance. I myself have experienced this several times may it be with family, friends or a special someone. But for this post I am going to focus on that special someone for I am currently in this long distance relationship thing and it has been going on for a year and a month. For several people it's only been a short time but in reality it really has been so long and I want it to end! I want the distance to end not the relationship. Has it been hard? YES! And there were many cases in where I thought this could never work out. And YES it DOES NOT WORK! It works for a short while but to stay in distance forever? It's IMPOSSIBLE! A relationship takes sacrifices and in the end of all of it, one of you will have to take that big step so you can be together. And this is where it all reveals of how much you are willing to take that big step for that certain person. There are times where you go in doubt. You will doubt yourself, you will doubt your partner, and you will doubt your relationship. Yes, this will happen, a lot of times actually, and my advise is for both of you to remember why you stepped into this situation in the first place. Reminisce on why you chose each other. Set goals and write them down. Remind each other of why this love is worth keeping and fighting for. Send each other throwback pictures of past conversations, screenshots, whatever memories you kept while you're miles away. Once you start to second guess do not worry about it. Just remember to ask yourself this: why did I step into this in the first place?

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